Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Disclaimer

Just so everyone is aware...with the exception of the blogs typed expertly by my father, all of my blogs are written in a window of 5 minutes, without a spell check. Its not that I'm forgetting the english language (though there are a lot of words that I forget and replace with Kiswahili) its just that I am pressed for time and don't have the keyboarding expertice that I used to.

I will be sending the new post information as well as a ton of pictures soon...stay tuned, and write to me after you get the new address...I miss all of you, but I'm still lovin Africa!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mindy, I'm really enjoying reading your blog and am so happy and proud of you! I do hope that you'll be posting an address so I can send you love letters :) Would it be pointless to send you a mix music CD (would you be able to listen/enjoy it?)?
Enjoy all your beautiful days there-- Love, Kassi Koehler